Thursday May 2nd elections cover coumcillors for Sefton Council but also for the Merseyside Police Crime Commissioner currently held by Emily Spurrell

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Also voting for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mayoral Election currently held by Steve Rotherham.

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Remember you need valid photoID to be able to vote at a polling station

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Candidates for the local Councillor elections in Southport as part of Sefton.

Seven wards in Southport. Existing Councillor in a ward marked with * and in bold. Candidates listed in alphabetical order of surname.


Ryan Aboott - Conservative
Francis Hanley - Labour
Laurence Rankin - Green
Lynne Thompson - Liberal Democrats *


Jeffrey Bee - Green
Samuel Harris - Conservative
Erin Harvey - Liberal Demoscrats
Sonya Kelly - Labour *


Gary Doyle - Conservative
Stephen Hesketh - Green
Callum Naylor - Labour
Micheal Sammon - Liberal Democrats


Damian Bond - Liberal Democrats
Helen Duerden - Labour
David Newman - Green
Michael Prendergast - Conservative *


Jennifer Corcoran - Labour *
Daniel Lewis - Liberal Democrats
Owen Philips - Conservative
Robert Wesley - Green


John Dodd - Liberal Democrats *
Pauline Hesketh - Green
Stephen Jowett - Labour
Robert Teesdale - Conservative


Lesley Delves - Liberal Democrats
David McIntosh - Green
Margaret Middleton - Conservative
David Neary - Labour